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Know The Girls

I personally hate introductions,but my partner is a bit kinky and may be that's the reason why the 'About Us' section on this blog is so vague. Introductions are stupid, as stupid as Narendra Modi saying the demonetization wouldn't affect the people.

Image result for anime girl hate doing stuff gif

But let's get over with it once and for all and then don't dare to ask at least me who I am or the Squirrel clan will declare war against you.

  • Manideepa Paul
A girl who loves art and design, struggling with the college life, not-so-much enjoying the teenage roller-coaster, ambivert, dog-lover, POTTERHEAD trying to fit into the muggle world and a huge fan of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.


I also love to sleep, procrastinate, drool over guys (probably out of my league) and eat pizza in my PJ's

  • Aishani Ghosh

Uh hum,
'Extro-intro'vert, 'yesn't' kinda, would be engineer, unfocused, anti-diligent, not so much of pessimism of course.

''If its amazing then give it here now'' person and asking my favorites may cost your lifetime.
But, favorite emoji-🌚

so armed with our access to internet and 2o years of life experience, we'd share our thoughts and opinion on the day to day adventures of our life and the world around us
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