-Manideepa Paul With every turn the Earth takes around the Sun, we get a bit older even though it doesn’t really feel like. Some ages seem fun while others seem almost unreal with an added sense of responsibility. Once we hit 20, it's groundbreaking that the teen years are over. We are technically referred to as an adult when really that could be the furthest thing we feel from. We may not be as young as we thought we were and there may be some new thoughts coming up as our 20th birthday approaches. Here's some to really get you feeling like an adult and the 20 years old you are now to be! 1. Goodbye teen years, Hello the 20s! We all remember what it was to be like turning 13 when we couldn’t wait to be officially called a teenager and that probably was the coolest part of our life. But now those years are over and it’s time to embrace the new chapter of our lives. Not to mention, as people have said it before… the twenties will be the best part of our lives. ...